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Uncovering The Hidden Truths Of The Self Improvement Industry

self improvement downsides

None of this is bad on the surface. There is also truly something inspiring about working hard, and having it pay off in the long run.

Seems like a pretty good sales pitch, right? And you know what’s even better? The sales are perpetual – because you will always want to improve.

Have you ever met those people who are not physically attractive to societies “standards”, but they are just ALL OUT about who they are? You just absorb in their presence because their essence is so attractive.

Here is how to remedy any conditioned “you should change yourself to be better” thoughts and thus counter the downsides to self-improvement:

Remedy Thought: If I get sick, I will embrace getting sick. I trust my immune system to do its job, and I know I will appreciate not feeling sick even more so. AND I’m going to revel in doing absolutely nothing for a couple days.

The biggest thing I have learned from the self-improvement game is that its not the same thing as true soul growth.  

This post was inspired by:
Alan Watts

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